Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Develop Solana Minting Nft Marketplace,Nft Web Apps And Tokens


<==Please communicate before placing the order==>

I will foster the NFT Crypto site And NFT commercial center site, NFT Crypto Token site plan. I have developed an AXS coin. and I am making/cloning the NFT commercial center for you on fiver with quality help and at a sensible cost

I will create a custom NFT smart contract, coded in Solidity, which can be used to mint any number of new NFT tokens on the Ethereum network.

 Create 721 tokens for the NFT marketplace

# admin panel for manage NFT marketplace

# dynamic fees feature

# 1 general category for creating NFT

# 100% Tron based NFT

Offering a wide range of custom blockchain development services:


➤ Smart Contract Development (For ICOs, DApp, Dynamic Generation of Smart Contract)

✓ Solidity


✓ Truffle

✓ Ether.js

✓ Web3.js

✓ Ganache

✓ Ethereum

✓ ERC20

✓ ERC223


➤ Blockchain development

✓ IBM Hyperledger

✓ IBM Sawtooth

✓ Ethereum

✓ Monero

✓ Stellar


➤ Trading BOT

✓ Automated Trading

✓ Indicators like RSI, MACD, and Fibonacci

✓ Margin Trading

✓ Predictive Analytics

✓ Depth of order book

✓ Arbitrage

✓ Advanced Notifications & Reporting

✓ Dialog flow (formerly API.AI)

 Thank You


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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Create Nft Smart Contract And Minting Website


NFT smart contract and minting website development

Having 10+ years of experience in nft smart contracts, nft minting website ,marketplace & mint engine , using Ethereum, Avalanche Blockchain & Solidity, ICO, tokens etc, we excel in the development of all kinds of block chain projects like Smart contract, Wallet creation, Token creation.

Which Networks we work with?

  • ETH
  • Solana
  • Cardano

What We Cover:

  • Smart contracts
  • Responsive NFT website and minting engine
  • NFT Marketplace
  • Wallet integration
  • Generation of Artwork & Metadata from image layers

Why Choose Us?

  • 100% Quality Work with guaranteed Satisfaction
  • Timely Completion of projects.
  • Easy Communication

Please discuss your requirements before placing the order. Thanks



Very Fast Service, I am really impressed by their work. highly recommended for nft or blockchain related work. will use them in future for the work. Communication was fast as well as service was more than described, they did great. Thanks for the work


Thank you


Very good Skills and Knowledge


Very professional service. Thanks


I would like to say that, there are so many sellers but thanks to fiverr for italeoo team recommendation for my work and i am really very happy with professional services they provided and give extra hour for our understanding the NFT smart contract for whitelisting and public sale. Thank you so much guys.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Create The Smart Contract For Your Nft Minting Website


i will create the smart contract for your nft at solana network or ethereum network i have done 3 project with 300 nft sold for 1 project



Well experience and patient seller, let's work on the next phase

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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Create A Nft Minting Website


I will create a Smart Contract on a working Website to make your NFT Collection Public Mintable! You can choose between different Packages!


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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Help Build Unique Nft Art Collection And Custom Minting Site


Help to build NFT project from zero, launch NFT minting website, generate arts, presell, community building..etc

Can build on ETH/Solana/Polygon/Bsc chain.

Can build multi utilities NFT.

Also, help to draw pixel arts NFT collections.


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Monday, March 21, 2022

Create Nft Minting Smart Contract Erc 721 Opensea Rarible


·        Smart Contract creation, to deploy a NFT Collection on blockchain.

o  Custom smart contract for NFT Minting, based on Solidity 0.8.7 (ERC-721)

o  Compatibility: ETH, BSC, POLYGON

o  Full Ownership of Smart Contract

o  Verified Contract at EtherScan or PolyScan

o  Custom Functions and Events

§ Custom number of mints

§ Add/Remove White Listed members (Non-White Listed transactions will not go through)

§ Reveal Functionality (i.e., minted NFTs will be hidden (placeholder image will be shown) until you reveal them)

§ Transaction of NFTs

§ Limit number of NFTs minted in one-go.

§ Totals of token holders, supply etc.

§ Automatic display of minted NFTs on Opensea (upon connecting minting wallet)

·        IPFS Hosting:

o  Meta Data hosting

o  Image storage/upload

(Image files & their metadata will be hosted on InterPlanetary File System)

·        Contract Deployment, Testing & Debugging

o  Deploying contract on testnet

o  Debugging

o  Deploying contract on mainnet (ETH or Polygon, your choice)

o Verifying And Validating Smart Contract On Block Explorer



Really nice guy, very helpful and really knows his stuff. Will definitely use him for other projects.

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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Design Nft Website, Nft Arts, Minting Website And Ico


NFTs can really be anything digital (such as drawings, music, your brain downloaded and turned into an AI), but a lot of the current excitement is around using the tech to sell digital art.

do you want to generate 10,000 nft arts, nft marketplace website for your block chain business. You have found the right nft developer. I am a developer with experience in blockchain and crypto currency

What you will get

  • professional marketplace site
  • 10,000 non fungible arts
  • wallet integration
  • landing page
  • minting features

Kindly message me to discuss your projects


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Friday, March 18, 2022

Generate Your Nft Collections With Metadata Mint Sales Ready


*Consultation is free! Please reach out first before placing an order to ensure my service meets your end goal!

What should I provide for each order?

  • Each trait corresponding to layers must be provided (Specify your base traits and rarities)
  • Description and details of traits in preparation for metadata
  • Your desire image pinning services if required (IPFS/Arweave/AWS)
  • Storefront/Marketplace design if needed

Why should I order from you?

  • Quality is just important as quantity in generative arts
  • The algorithms are audited and reviewed before image selections
  • The image patches are carefully reviewed to ensure best aesthetic qualities

What is included in this gig?

  • The selective, ready-to-sell, generative images per package request
  • The metadata formatted for all images


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Friday, March 11, 2022

Create Nft Marketplace, Nft Website, Nft Mint Engine


HI, Welcome to my gig.

I'm a professional NFT developer who understands what a non-fungible-token (NFT) is and I know how different types of projects are developed using NFTs.

As a professional NFT developer I use my knowledge to build NFT-based platforms for enterprises and businesses succesfully.

Are you striving to launch your own NFT Marketplace similar to OpenSea or Rarible? Then you are on the right gig.

I will provide you a safe and adaptable framework that enables your users to purchase and trade all types of crypto items on your platform.

My service includes all of the fantastic features you would expect from Rarible or OpenSea. 

In addition, I can also provide highly facilitated NFT Marketplace development services that will be exceptionally adaptable to your business demands.

I can build both NFTs and NFT Marketplace platforms to scale your business using newest DeFi technology.

An NFT marketplace powered by standards token, such as ERC-721, ERC-1155, ERC-998, and TRC-721.

Reach out to me now, and let's develop your own NFT marketplace for you.


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Thursday, March 10, 2022

Build A Dao App With Solidity And Javascript


Decentralized exchange platform

On Ethereum Network, BSC, Polygon , Avalanche, Cardano

We are building DAO, fork any DAO, will build within 30 days.

using merns stack , solidty , moralis etc.,

If you need any multi chain dex also we can build with all functionalities

LIquidty Pool




Trading chart


NFT gaming


Smart Contract for DAO (decentralized autonomous organization)

- Votes on adding custodians

- Votes on emergency maintenance actions.

- Smart Contract for ERC20 coin

- Access Controlled

- Burnable

- Capped Supply

- Pausable

- Snapshot Mechanism

- Mintable

- DAPP (decentralized application) for DAO

- DAPP (decentralized application) for Wrapped Asset Platform

- Test Scripts

- Deployment Scripts

we can build and also fix your factory contract and routers contract

This Gig is for building DEX solution.

Please ask for custom order for other requirements.

Price will differ on the requirements.,

Thank you 


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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Build Nft Marketplace And Nft Mint


I am Blockchain specialist.

I have worked with big blockchain projects, centralized crypto exchanges and several Crypto projects.

I will provide you the smart nft marketplace on the ethereum, solana, bsc, polygon.

This service includes the custom ui and custom features in the contract level.

Also I will provide to you the nft game development with erc1155 nfts and other features.



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Sunday, March 6, 2022

Build Nft Marketplace Website, Nft Website,Nft Minting Website, Nft Landing Page


About This Gig


With the rising popular demand for NFTs and Cryptocurrency exchanges, we are now entering a new digital age where anything is possible. Whether you are looking for a site to display your NFT projects or looking to design your own auction or marketplace site dealing with crypto, I am here to offer you my services. 

Are you interested in creating an NFT website and Landing page? If so, you've come to the right place. I can create or clone NFT website and landing page with quality and reasonable prices


Responsive NFT website design

NFT Marketplace

NFT Mint Engine

Wallet Connection (Meta mask or any other of your choice)

Mint Function

Artwork and Metadata generation from layered images


Professional Approach.

High Quality Delivery.

100% Client Satisfaction.

Effective Communication through out the business process.

Your satisfaction is my priority, I'm the right designer for you! Looking forward to hearing from you and About your project!


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Saturday, March 5, 2022

Create Nft Minting Engine Dapp On Solana


Hello, how are you ?

My name is Mayank and i will create NFT minting page/dapp for your collection on Solana ( for other blockchains check out my other gig or contact me)

I have good experience in NFT smart contract, dapp and token creation.

Contact me before placing an order or if you have any queries.

thank you


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Create Nft Smart Contract, Optimized Smart Contract, Smart Contract, Mint Engine

About: WELCOME TO MY GIG HELLO GREAT BUYER Smart contracts are at the core of every NFT and it is crucial for the success of a...