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I will foster the NFT Crypto site And NFT commercial center site, NFT Crypto Token site plan. I have developed an AXS coin. and I am making/cloning the NFT commercial center for you on fiver with quality help and at a sensible cost
I will create a custom NFT smart contract, coded in Solidity, which can be used to mint any number of new NFT tokens on the Ethereum network.
Create 721 tokens for the NFT marketplace
# admin panel for manage NFT marketplace
# dynamic fees feature
# 1 general category for creating NFT
# 100% Tron based NFT
Offering a wide range of custom blockchain development services:
➤ Smart Contract Development (For ICOs, DApp, Dynamic Generation of Smart Contract)
✓ Solidity
✓ Truffle
✓ Ether.js
✓ Web3.js
✓ Ganache
✓ Ethereum
✓ ERC20
✓ ERC223
➤ Blockchain development
✓ IBM Hyperledger
✓ IBM Sawtooth
✓ Ethereum
✓ Monero
✓ Stellar
➤ Trading BOT
✓ Automated Trading
✓ Indicators like RSI, MACD, and Fibonacci
✓ Margin Trading
✓ Predictive Analytics
✓ Depth of order book
✓ Arbitrage
✓ Advanced Notifications & Reporting
✓ Dialog flow (formerly API.AI)
Thank You

: : : : :

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