Saturday, September 17, 2022

Nft Landing Page Ui Ux Design Using Figma, Nft Minting Website


Do you require a contemporary and one-of-a-kind landing page or NFT website design?

I'll use Figma to create a modern NFT UI that will impress you and your target audience. We will provide you the greatest UI design you can get in this or any other marketplace, based on our three years of experience in website UI UX design, which has been endorsed and featured by Figma and Adobe XD.

I've been working in the NFT field since 2019, and I've spent a lot of time assisting people grow their NFT/Crypto businesses.

If you wish to see our amazing NFT portfolio then please feel free to get in touch :)

My scope of work:

  1. Examining the specifications
  2. Knowing who your customers are and what they value is essential.
  3. Examine the competition.
  4. Make a rough sketch of your website.
  5. Create a website.
  6. Create a web page with the solution.
  7. Examine the work and make improvements if necessary.
  8. Providing an easy-to-use experience for users

Kindly contact me here on Fiverr and we can work together to get your web site, landing page up and running

Best Regards


: : : : :

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