Thursday, March 10, 2022

Build A Dao App With Solidity And Javascript


Decentralized exchange platform

On Ethereum Network, BSC, Polygon , Avalanche, Cardano

We are building DAO, fork any DAO, will build within 30 days.

using merns stack , solidty , moralis etc.,

If you need any multi chain dex also we can build with all functionalities

LIquidty Pool




Trading chart


NFT gaming


Smart Contract for DAO (decentralized autonomous organization)

- Votes on adding custodians

- Votes on emergency maintenance actions.

- Smart Contract for ERC20 coin

- Access Controlled

- Burnable

- Capped Supply

- Pausable

- Snapshot Mechanism

- Mintable

- DAPP (decentralized application) for DAO

- DAPP (decentralized application) for Wrapped Asset Platform

- Test Scripts

- Deployment Scripts

we can build and also fix your factory contract and routers contract

This Gig is for building DEX solution.

Please ask for custom order for other requirements.

Price will differ on the requirements.,

Thank you 


: : : : :

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