Expert NFT Marketplace Development, Minting, Auction, and Stacking
The functionality I provide in Torn 721/BSC 721/ETH 721/ERC721A is based on NFT/NFT Minting market.
- Verified NFT smart contract with token Uri
- NFT mint engine
- Admin fees on mint time
- Landing page and mint page design
- Metamask wallet connect
- All required pages designed in HTML
- NFT ERC 721 smart contract with mint, buy, and sell feature
- Admin charge fees on mint and sell time as the commission
- Admin panel for managing all NFT and viewing information
- NFT divide according to category wise, filter, sorting features
- Meta-mask and trust wallet connect integration
NFT marketplace
- NFT marketplace smart contract with ERC721 and ERC 1155
- Create a collection and collection-wise NFTsort
- All required pages design
- Admin can charge fees on NFT mint and sell time
- Royalty functionality on sell time
- NFT mint and sell custom token
- Trust and Metamask wallet integration
- Admin panel for manage NFT related all work
- NFT and user-like, follow functionality
- Unwanted user blacklist functionality
Please note that it's essential to discuss your specific requirements before placing an order. Kindly contact me.

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