What´s up crypto family :D
Do you know the right NFT collection can make you a millionaire? To create the right NFT collection you have to choose the right NFT artist.
That means before placing the order please be kind enough to contact us and clarify the required details
Each package includes
✔ Provide Traits for characters such as head, eyes, mouth, cloth, background, skin, etc. All depend on the requirements and package.
✔ 100% unique NFT character with a unique concept.
✔ Provide up to 10K NFT collection with random combinations
- Base = 1.k collection
- Standard = 5k collection
- Premium = 10k collection
✔ Rarity Score
- Set rarity to Traits
- Set rarity to backgrounds
✔ Metadata
- Automatic generate
✔ Mint Page
- Connected to your NFT collection
- Mint button
- Choose your chain
✔ Smart Contract
- SEO optimized
- Desktop & Mobile optimized
- Safe & secure,
If you have any questions please feel free to message me anytime!
Did you know?
With every purchase you support the German start-up project NFT ASAP and help countless people to participate in the future of the Internet. Thank you very much.

: : : : :

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