Hello there! Welcome to my gig!
Is your art work is ready and all you need is a professional website done to speed your success with a mint engine?
You have come to the right place!
My deliverable as follows :
- Landing Page Designs
- ERC-721 or ERC-1155
- Random NFT Minting and Reveals
- NFT added to buyers wallet
- Wallet Integration (Metamask etc.)
- Smart Contracts Creation, Deployment and Verification
- IPFS storage
- Metadata integration
- List on Marketplaces like Opensea/Solsea etc.
- Presale Whitelist
- Royalty
- Public/Private Minting
- Blockchain Integration
- Whitepaper
- Roadmap
- Mint Tokens
- Evolve, Breed, Mutation
- Create variations for your artwork
- Frontend Development with Buy, Sell, Bid etc.
- Minting website for NFT's on any network such as Solana, ETH, Cardano, BSC, Cronos etc..
- Add Mint Engine to React, Vue, Angular, Wordpress, Wix, or to any other sites
Check out my work:
Please inbox me before you order.

: : : : :

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