Are you looking for a NFT Minting Engine Website where people can directly Mint NFT's?
Or do you want to integrate NFT Minting to your existing Website?
we are a Web Developer and Blockchain Expert who will develop a Web App with a Minting Engine so that people can Mint out NFT's directly from your website.
we can also integrate a minting engine to your existing Reactjs, Wordpress, Wix, or any other Website or Web App.
Whether its a NFT marketplace or a NFT website or a Minting engine, we can develop any type of a dAPP according to your requirements.
On any network such as Solana, ETH, Cardano, BSC, Avalanch, Fantom, Polygon etc.
My Deliverables will be as :
- Landing pages
- Roadmap
- Mint Tokens
- Smart Contracts Creation, It's deployment and Verification.
- Add NFT Metadata on IPFS
- Wallet Integration (Connect wallet button to the webapp)
- Art Minting
- Art list on marketplace (open-sea.io) with set price
- Frontend Development with Buy and selling feature
- Blockchain Integration
Contact me now before ordering and let's get it started!
kind regards

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